JaVaFlo Aesthetics offer the best post-surgical care services and treatments by qualified and experienced professionals, helping people achieve their desired results.
The massive momentum and the crazy growth levels a few industries have created over the last few years especially have gained a lot of attention from people all over the world. This consistent growth that most industries have seen over the recent past can be attributed to a myriad of factors. Some say it is because of the increased adoption of the latest tech trends in their respective industries, while a few others say that it is because of the relentless drive, passion and visionary ideas of entrepreneurs and founders of brands and businesses. However, a few experts opine that a combination of both has what led most of these industries on a growth pedestal, creating more demand and making great revenues annually. We couldn’t help but notice how two incredible founders named Janelle and Florise did exactly that in the world of Post-Op care.
Janelle and Florise realized and understood the demand for great brands and services that could cater to the needs of patients and customers that needed the best post-surgery treatments and services. Noticing this gap, they decided to come up with their own business in the form of “JaVaFlo Aesthetics,” which today is making its name prominent as one of the most trusted brands in New Jersey.
Today, they are considered the most skilled professionals and go-to nurses for post-op care, like Brazilian Butt Life, Tummy Tuck, etc. Speaking on the importance of post-op care, the founders say that patients need to regain full mobility at the earliest and postoperative care ensures to regain control over their posture, coordination and balance. It assists in pain management and also reduces the risk of contracting postoperative pulmonary complications (PCCs) and many other infections.
In less than two years, the business has gained 5-star Google reviews, thanks to their consistency in offering exceptional and delivering the best services that today have helped over 1000 individuals achieve their desired results. Recalling what really motivated them to start JaVaFlo Aesthetics, they say that during their recovery process, after undergoing surgery, they had the pleasure of meeting individuals going through the same process, and they realized that 90% of those women lacked knowledge. This ignited the fire in them to go ahead in creating their own post-op business that could offer services and treatments, giving them the best recovery and their desired results at the most affordable rates.

From post-surgical care, body contouring, and eyelash extensions to facials and waxing, they do it all, thriving on qualified and experienced professionals who ensure to give outstanding experiences to each client by enhancing their wellness, beauty and confidence. They provide them with optimal results using innovative and safe aesthetic practices and top-notch products in a comfortable environment.
Their USP is that both are medical professionals, have experienced the surgical journey, but above all, provide educated services to their customers. They are envisioned to stay at the forefront of the spa industry and continuously innovate to provide unconventional services that exceed customers’ expectations.