Janna Breslin is a name synonymous with resilience, innovation, and grit. As the co-host of the hit TV show Modern Homestead, she has inspired millions with her journey to create an off-grid oasis while introducing groundbreaking technologies to the building space. Her tallow skincare products, born from humble beginnings in her kitchen, have become a staple in the world of natural beauty. Janna’s dedication to hard work and overcoming adversity is the foundation of her empire. Whether she’s exploring new tech solutions like deposition water harvesting and thermal batteries or sharing her story with authenticity, Janna embodies the modern warrior spirit.
The Valkyrie of Norse mythology were fierce warrior goddesses who chose the bravest souls to enter Valhalla, the hall of heroes. Their strength, fearlessness, and loyalty resonate deeply with Janna, who draws inspiration from her Scandinavian heritage. “I’ve always felt a strong connection to the Valkyrie,” she shares. “Their fighting spirit and sense of purpose are qualities I strive to embody every day. It’s not about perfection; it’s about rising to meet the challenges life throws at you with courage and grace.” Her Valkyrie-inspired photoshoot perfectly captures the essence of a modern-day warrior—powerful, determined, and unyielding.
Janna’s path to embodying this fighting spirit has been anything but easy. She was diagnosed with cancer early in her career, a devastating blow that forced her to re-evaluate her health and lifestyle. Then came a painful divorce from a toxic and emotionally abusive ex. Yet, these hardships marked the beginning of a new chapter. Through these challenges, she discovered her inner resilience and rebuilt herself piece by piece. A pivotal part of her healing journey was her relationship with Evan DeMarco, now her husband, co-host, and business partner. “He has always been my rock, my safe harbor, but he has also pushed me to become the woman I am today—a woman I am proud of,” Janna reflects. Together, they’ve built a life that not only celebrates their shared values but also inspires millions.
Their hit TV show, Modern Homestead, has been a defining part of Janna’s journey. The series connects with audiences through its raw and unscripted approach. “It’s as real as it gets,” Janna explains, laughing as she recalls the cringe-worthy attempts at “acting” in Season 1. “We’re not actors. We’re two people who wanted to have a place to go when the shit hits the fan. The show is an honest, candid journey of two people learning as they go, failing often but never giving up.” This authenticity has resonated with viewers, making Modern Homestead a standout in the crowded world of reality television.
The show has also become a catalyst for introducing innovative technologies to the mainstream. Through their platform, Janna and Evan have helped bring to light game-changing solutions like deposition water harvesting and thermal batteries. “We are committed to making the world a better place through tech,” Janna says. “Real advances in building solutions can change the way we utilize Earth’s resources.” Their efforts are a testament to their shared vision of sustainability and innovation.
As the modern-day Valkyrie, Janna Breslin is the embodiment of the ancient warrior class. She’s tough, pragmatic, and deeply passionate about her mission. Even her OnlyFans, one of the top-earning accounts on the platform, showcases her deliberate and thoughtful approach to every aspect of her life. Janna is unafraid to take calculated risks—whether in business, on screen, or in her personal endeavors—and she always does so with purpose and conviction. Yet, as Janna points out, no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. Even with so many things going right, there is always the law of unintended consequences. Janna and Evan have had as many failures as successes, and the more successful they become, the more there are those who want to profit from their hard work and dedication without putting in any real effort. Reflecting on this, Janna remarks, “I sometimes wish things were a little more like the old Viking days, where you had to earn your passage to Valhalla.”
After her divorce, Janna quickly learned the importance of earning everything in life. “You earn better health by eating well and working out. You earn better relationships by putting down the phone and making time for them. You earn financial freedom by working hard, sacrificing, and keeping the right people close,” she explains. This ethos is embodied in her motto, Earn Your Freedom. Janna often tells her followers to “Get the F Outside,” a phrase that’s become both a rallying cry and a way of life. She affectionately calls her audience “Outsiders,” a nod to the warrior spirit within. For Janna, GTF Outside means getting outside in nature, outside her comfort zone, and outside the limiting beliefs that hold her back.
Janna’s story is a constant reminder that while we may face adversity, it’s how we respond that defines the type of life we live. She inspires us all to channel our inner Valkyrie, to rise when we are knocked down, and to pursue a life of courage, resilience, and unwavering determination.