If you are planning for a dream house in Mexico, then Brent May is the one who can help make it happen in 2021. Brent is the co-founder and CEO of Bayside Real Estate which has helped thousands of people get their Mexican dream home in their desired area.
Brent May was fascinated with the real estate world and, at age 20, had purchased his first property. Then Brent and his wife, Erin, traveled to Mexico and fell in love with the country – its beauty, culture, people, weather and so much more. Some people choose to follow a traditional lifestyle, caught up in the rat race. Then there are others who take bold steps and change their lives completely. In the process, some even help others to step outside of their boundaries. We came across one such high performing and passionate real estate agent and entrepreneur who hails from Canada but now has made Mexico his home with his wife, Erin Since 2009, Brent May serves as the co-founder and CEO of Own Mexico / Bayside Real Estate Huatulco, where he assists people in everything related to real estate, right from investment, buying retirement homes, to vacation properties and so much more. With Own Mexico, the power couple provides helpful tips, information, etc., to help others who wish to invest in Mexico’s real estate
Bayside Real Estate helps hundreds of its clients navigate the buying process of land, homes and condos in the Huatulco, Puerto Escondido and Yucatán regions. Brent May today is also known today as ‘The Dream Catcher’ for being a highly regarded and valued resource to international investors, making the process of purchase easier and convenient with his expertise. His real estate service, Own Mexico, offers at-your-convenience informational masterclasses on the buying process in Mexico, a How To Live in Mexico Guide, and now also the full-service virtual option, helping buyers through virtual tours through a complete purchasing process. Planning to purchase a dream home in Mexico? Brent is the one who can help you invest right. Connect with him by info@OwnMexico.org.