Health Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID vaccine gets the FDA advisors’ nod.By Charlie JamesonDecember 11, 2020 The FDA, who will have the final authority on whether to approve the COVID vaccine or not, will now decide…
Health 100 million COVID vaccines in the first 100 days, promises Joe Biden.By Charlie JamesonDecember 9, 2020 Joe Biden urged the citizens of the US, to wear a mask, and vowed on rolling out the Pfizer/BioNtech COVID…
Health Pfizer/BioNtech COVID vaccine’s rollout begins in the UK.By Charlie JamesonDecember 8, 2020 The UK gave a historic jab of the COVID vaccine to a 91-year-old woman, who felt privileged. Key points: 1.…
Health Pfizer/BioNtech’s Coronavirus vaccine green-lit for use by the UK.By Charlie JamesonDecember 2, 2020 The British regulator, MHRA, green-lit Pfizer vaccine for widespread use, and ordered 40 million doses already; Immunizations to begin from…