In celebration of the upcoming Lunar New Year, Swatch has introduced two exclusive timepieces as part of its annual tradition of releasing Lunar New Year-themed watches. These limited-edition designs honor the Year of the Snake, blending traditional Chinese symbolism with modern style.
The Golden Red Bamboo model features a polished gold-colored case that extends onto the dial, paired with an ivory leather and textile band embroidered with orange bamboo plants and a golden snake. The second design, the Blue and Golden Lithe Dancer, showcases a 47mm matte blue band adorned with similar decals and a golden case, accentuated by a bright orange seconds arm.
Both watches are equipped with glow-in-the-dark hands, 3-bar water resistance, and are designed to reflect the ethos of the wood snake—symbolizing growth and adaptability. These timepieces blend contemporary elements with traditional Chinese artistry for a unique fusion of past and present.
Available for a limited time, the Year of the Snake collection can be purchased at Swatch stores worldwide and online.