“Colin’s Pack,” founded by Colin West in 2011, is the business through which Colin hopes to positively impact the lives of as many people and dogs as possible, which he feels is his mission in life.
Colin’s Pack is a dog hiking business located in Santa Monica, and serving the westside of LA. Founded by Colin West in 2011, after he was introduced to the world of Dog Psychology by watching Cesar Millan, Colin’s Pack has been growing and evolving the pack hiking experience for over a decade. Colin, the owner of two black Pitbulls himself, says that he realized early on that dogs had a big missing piece in the lives they live with us, and he believes that the pack hikes can almost completely fill that missing piece.
Exercise is important, but dogs are really social animals, and having a community that they see on a weekly basis and get to spend time with, and have great experiences with, really fulfills them on a deep level, as it does with all social animals. Add to that the exercise of the hike, and the enrichment and excitement that comes with being in nature, and the dogs come home feeling completely fulfilled. Currently, Colin is hiking on a private ranch, (equipped with water tanks, a running stream, and miles of trail), with hikes ranging anywhere from two hours at minimum, to closer to three hours on the long end. Colin feels the pack hike experience for the dogs is finally much closer to what he had envisioned long ago.

Recently, after a period of deep reflection starting around 2018, Colin has double down on a new purpose with his business — to do God’s work on earth, which he believes can come in many forms. The primary way Colin is doing this is still through the pack hikes, and he believes that understanding the bigger mission has helped him double down on what’s important about his business, and the purpose it serves.
He says that teaming up with his girlfriend, Elena, has given him a newfound strength and dedication. He believes that we are all on a healing journey, and part of his mission is to help facilitate that for the dogs through pack hikes, and possibly share some love with humans as well, through uplifting stories and videos online.

Whether it is getting out dogs who would slowly have their internal light going out while being stuck at home, or helping heal the hearts of dogs who have been abandoned or damaged emotionally, Colin says he feels great about the services they are providing, as it satisfies both a bigger mission, as well as a career.
Please follow him on Instagram at instagram.com/colinspack or Facebook at Facebook.com/colinspack, or visit his websitewww.colinspack.com for more information.