The extreme sports and comedy collective CboysTV, known for their daring stunts and off-road lifestyle, has recently signed with UTA, a prominent Hollywood talent agency. UTA aims to help the six friends behind CboysTV expand their digital presence beyond their popular YouTube channel to create a sustainable business model across various UTA divisions, including digital, audio, ventures, touring, and unscripted TV.
Comprising Ben Roth (24), Ryan Iwerks (27), CJ Lotzer (27), Micah Sandman (27), Ken Matthees (28), and Evan Sheff (30), CboysTV has garnered a substantial following on YouTube, with 5.5 million subscribers and around 970 million total views. UTA plans to extend their online community to platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Snapchat to further grow their audience and engagement.
In addition to their YouTube content featuring extreme sports, dirt bike stunts, challenges, and off-road adventures, CboysTV has expanded into e-commerce apparel and audio content, areas that UTA aims to develop further.
Furthermore, UTA will explore opportunities for licensed products from CboysTV, including their apparel line, in shopping malls and delve into possibilities in unscripted TV. The group’s motto, “Life Wide Open,” reflects their adventurous spirit, and UTA will work to leverage this ethos across various ventures.