Among the youth of our country the thought of going to college has become less and less desirable. With so many career options no longer requiring a 4 year education or degree in addition the rising cost of education, most high school graduates are looking toward a trade centered career or starting their own business. When you are trying to decide on what path to take in life, make sure to do your research and follow someone who has unlocked the key for the success you are seeking. With that, allow me to introduce you to Tristan Dlabik, the fountain of financial youth for generations to come.
This young man is the prime example of what is capable without a college degree. At the age of eighteen, just having graduated high school, Tristan decided the traditional college route was not for him. Instead, he found his calling by entering the world of life insurance sales in the financial services industry. After growing up watching his Mom live paycheck to paycheck and he himself working while in high school paycheck to paycheck, Tristan discovered his drive for motivation lies in his desire to create a better life for himself and his family. Over the last four years Tristan has broken the stereotype that success can only be achieved through a degree earned from a University.
He soon found himself under the mentorship of Simon Arias, a highly successful motivational and entrepreneurial leader in the financial services industry. Tristan quickly rose to notoriety in Arias Agencies by breaking and setting records at an expedited pace. At 19 years old he was awarded Presidents Club. By his second year he was already #2 in his category and just after the start of his third year with Arias Agencies Tristan opened an office in Lincoln, Nebraska that rose to $100k net within six months of opening. He achieved success through his relentless work ethic and determination to rewrite the story of his approaching future. This recently turned 23 year old is currently the youngest State Director in the 71 year history of American Income Life.
Tristan is a driven leader in the sales industry, with a group of loyal entrepreneurs that he is leading and guiding down the path of success. He leads the men and women of his agency on a course set to repeat his success in today’s fast-paced world. The next generation of entrepreneurs are flourishing in Chicago under his guidance, continuing as a group at the record setting pace that, with Simon’s mentorship, Tristan has set teams in motion. We live in a digital era in which information is now available at our fingertips, thus creating a group of people who use Google for their source of knowledge rather than their brain power. With vast access to online resources, it is difficult for high school graduates to validate the attendance of college as the next step for them as they venture into the career world.

According to The National Association of Colleges and Employers, the average starting salary for 2020 graduates was $55,260. The average yearly cost of attending a public college is $27,330, which combines to over $100,000 for 4 years. This means that without having attended college on a scholarship or utilizing the funding of their parents, most college graduates start out their careers in debt. This is why the entrepreneurial field in the financial services industry has become so appealing to the next generation of youth. Tristan is proof you can start your own business at the age of 18 or 19 years old and make a six figure income before you are legally allowed to drink in the US. At the age of twenty-three Tristan has accumulated the following yearly income:
Age 19: $114,000
Age 20: $140,000
Age 21: $345,000
Age 22: $1,000,000
All while guiding hungry individuals to reach their own financial freedom goals. So what does all this really mean? Well, that you must decide for yourself. You will find varying opinions on what is best for high school graduates. It will require hard work, strong planning, and networking for your business as you build it. Financial freedom requires the strength to brush off the nay-sayers trying to convince you that you are making the wrong choice. But what would you rather do? Go to school for 4 years, walk into debt, with the hope that you can find a career that will pay out your worth and help you escape the debt you built up to get there? Or start a business in the financial services industry, investing that tuition money directly into yourself, utilizing the knowledge and leadership of mentors like Tristan Dlabik and Simon Arias. With the right work ethic and motivation you can start earning your worth in year one. Let Tristan be the proof that in the same span of time to get a 4 year degree you could make a six figure income that fuels your goals and dreams. The choice is yours, why not you?