Rodrigo Iglesias , model and influencer explains to the media that when his mom, Marcela Iglesias, aka Queen of Hollywood and him go out together people think that his mom is either his older sister or his girlfriend because she looks so young and she loves to dress very trendy so he always has to explain to his friends about that but he is very proud of his mother because she keeps herself looking fresh and all his friends are jealous because she’s very open minded and she never tells me what to do. RODRIGO has a lot of friends that are not able to be open with their families about their gender or sexual orientation but his mom has always been very forward thinking about that and she is also an advocate for LGTBIQA community”.
Quote from Rodrigo “Most of my friends tell me that they would love to have a mom like mine”. RODRIGO is very proud of his mom because she had him when she was very young and she went through a lot, especially because she had to work three jobs to help his grandmother and his grandfather as well.

Quote from Rodrigo
“She encourages me to be the best version of myself and she told me to love myself as I am, she also taught me discipline and I think I got my fashion taste because of her.
My mom is very outgoing but she’s also very strict when it comes to studies and to follow a path with my life, she doesn’t like me to waste time on things that are not good for me as a spiritual human being. She taught me the love for animals and love for every single human being without judgment”
Marcela is very generous and she also has a very distinguished respect for money and how much did it cost to achieve it, she always trying to tell me to save for my future which it’s very hard for me because I love fashion a lot and it’s hard for me not to buy stuff, I have a little bit of a shopping addiction. Right now Rodrigo is focusing on what is his next step with his career. He explains “I have a job, I go to school and I train with @EDGECROSSX , MY FAMILY FITNESS COMPANY every day. As I will be turning 21 in March I’m ready to go for the next step in my life. I really like cryptocurrency and I’m looking forward to learning more”
You can follow Rodrigo and Marcela Iglesias on