Maxwell Skidmore, know as 88%, could be the next 15 year old millionaire. Skidmore is a young entrepreneur with a variety of operations. All the way from basic advertising to working with your favorite celebrity, Skidmore does it all.
Some people achieved a lot at such a young age that sometimes it amazed us when one looks at their chore. What makes him the most admirable personality is his notions. He believes in “Learn new things every day to explore a new version of yourself”. Highly Inspired he came up with his own chore at such a young age, and he is no doubt elevating his task remarkably well.
Maxwell says successful business people have many traits in common with one another. They are confident and optimistic. They are disciplined self-starters. They are open to any new ideas which cross their path.
Entrepreneur Maxwell Skidmore is currently making an outstanding income compared to not only the average teenager but the average American worker. He chooses to generate this money from the famous social media platform Instagram & Telegram where he’s managed to build up a network to exchange bitcoin and drive traffic on Instagram using a fluid network. Not only that but Skidmore’s reputable business grants him trust in the community. As a result, users of the app use Skidmore as a mediator, more commonly known as a “middleman”. A middle man is a “widely trusted intermediary between buyer and seller to increase a deal’s safety for both parties of the transaction by receiving an item/ product/ currency until payment is successfully made or holding the payment until a service is completed,” states Skidmore.
Business is an art, and not everyone knows to master this art. Some people have the inborn qualities to be a successful entrepreneur, and others work to develop these qualities. No matter which of these descriptions best fits you, everyone can benefit from continuing to improve on these important characteristics.
What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? Other than a few traits that many successful entrepreneurs share, being a self-starter can make you very desirable both in your business and also in the industry. Moreover, having an abundance of optimism and self-confidence is another key that can help you. A successful entrepreneur is someone who has excellent communication skills for selling the products to customers and motivating the employees. Yes, most entrepreneurs who have the power to motivate their employees can see their business grow within no time. These entrepreneurs are also great at instructing others to be successful and highlighting the advantages of any situation.
In almost every case, successful entrepreneurs are individuals who are highly motivated to achieve. They tend to be doers, people who make things happen. They are often very competitive. Many researchers have concluded that the most consistent trait found in successful entrepreneurs is the sheer will to win, the need to achieve in everything they do. They don’t want to come in third, they don’t want to come in second, but they want to come in first.
Below given are the top qualities of a successful entrepreneur.
The first trait that all successful entrepreneurs must possess is self-discipline. Self-discipline is the single most important quality for success in life and business. If you can discipline yourself to do what you should do, whether you feel like it or not, your success is virtually guaranteed. Self-discipline requires self-mastery, self-control, self-responsibility, and self-direction.
Entrepreneurship is a new venture creation process. Only a bend-less mind can take the initiative to new ventures under uncertainty. This requires a high state of self-confidence that would be the driving force for going into an unforeseen uncertain future with the certainty of success.
Self-confidence is a state of mind that includes confidence, independence, individuality, and optimism.
Entrepreneurs are not thwarted by their defeats. They look at defeat as an opportunity for success. They are determined to make all of their endeavors succeed, so will try and try again until it does.
Successful entrepreneurs do not believe that something cannot be done.
Risk-taking ability
Entrepreneurship is all about taking risks. Entrepreneurs have the ability to take greater risks to achieve greater success, but not all risk-takers are successful entrepreneurs. A successful entrepreneur knows when to take risks and which risks will be beneficial or harmful to the company or himself.
All entrepreneurs plan before taking risks and make a plan B (in case of any loss or mishap) and establish a suitable ground for the results of the risks. Successful entrepreneurs always keep one eye on the big picture, and this ability can make you a better employee. “Vision is about strategic planning,” Maxwell says.
Can you see what direction the industry is going? Can you identify challenges for your company? Can you tackle your day-to-day job responsibilities, while staying focused on long-term goals and initiatives?