In her upcoming collaborative book ‘BE…,’ Lisa Vrancken empowers female entrepreneurs to overcome fear, manifest their dreams, and become strong business leaders.
As I speak to Lisa Vrancken about her early years, she reminisces on childhood memories of riding her horse into the nearby forest to escape from difficulties at home. Little did she know, the challenges she faced as a young girl, and then as a woman, would lead her to become the inspiring person she is today.
Now an award-winning TV producer, #1 best selling author, global brand strategist, and female business mentor, Vrancken is on a mission to reach millions of women. Her forthcoming book, a collaboration with Ashley Black, award-winning product inventor of the Fascia Blaster®, and Kori Minkus, CEO of Rock Your Product®, introduces a different kind of roadmap for women entrepreneurs.
The collaborative book, ‘BE…From Passion and Purpose to Product and Prosperity’, is a perfect combination of interactive self-development exercises and personal stories—a powerful formula to help women be unstoppable, overcome fear, and cultivate prosperity and success in business.
A Woman Entrepreneur’s Guide to Getting Real
Vrancken once dreamed about all she could be, at a time when her opportunities were very limited. She understands how hard it is to build a fulfilling life, a life truly defined by what really matters to you.
The motivation behind ‘BE…’ is to help women drown out the noise of society to reconnect with their deep passion, higher purpose, and Divine Feminine energy. The resulting read is more than a few pages of expertise on product launching; it’s a comprehensive guide to successful entrepreneurship through inner transformation. Vrancken, an executive producer of TV and brand commercials, is familiar with outer transformation, too. But she believes the first step for any entrepreneur, at any stage of business, is to get their mind right.
“That’s why our book begins with passion: what lights your soul on fire and becomes a torch to illuminate your path moving forward,” shares Vrancken. ‘BE…’ is a collection of exercises and self-development tools to gain confidence; a solid connection to supportive Divine Feminine energy; and enough of an understanding of yourself to persevere through the trials and tribulations you’ll face as a woman in business.
“When launching a new business venture, it’s easy to veer off course,” Vrancken shares. “That’s why the chapters are ordered with intention, and each section is a unique mix of the personal and professional.” She continues, “Our book is really about you—who you are, and where you’re at during this point in your life. Because the journey of a woman in business is never linear, the authors structured the exercises, called Movements, to utilize and refer back to.”
Fear, Abundance Mindset, and the Spiritual Law of Attraction
Many business opportunities came to Vrancken at the right time, when she was present and open. But she was also actively manifesting into the universe, and signaling that she was ready to grow, expand, and attract new clients and connections. As a woman in business, Vrancken says, fear can be a major roadblock stopping you from reaching your dreams. That’s why ‘BE…’ is one of the best books on manifesting abundance for female entrepreneurs—it not only breaks down the meaning of passion and purpose, it also helps you overcome the fears preventing you from launching or growing your business.
“Of course, fear is healthy and normal to a point,” Vrancken says. It serves as natural inspiration and a built-in protection mechanism. “No one on the planet is spared from feeling fear,” she explains.
Vrancken speaks from experience. “Over 30 years ago, I was having anxiety attacks,” she remembers. “Fear can really paralyze you from moving forward. When you live in the mindset of fear, you start to see the world as a negative place. You focus on the dark side of life and unknowingly develop a scarcity mindset, which makes you blind to the abundance of opportunities around you,” Vrancken shares.
“I took the time to really dig deep and see where all of this was coming from and unearthed all of these emotions from childhood that I had buried but never dealt with,” she adds. “That’s when I went into studying religions, biofeedback, and neuro-linguistic programming, which is woven in throughout the book.”
Read It, Live It, BE… It: Finding the Confidence Within
Many of the issues we face as adults are products of events imprinted upon our brains from 0 to 8 years old. A blueprint for unlocking your fear, achieving your goals, living your purpose, and stepping into leadership. ‘BE…’ is a candid, casual exploration of self. Though overcoming fear is one of the many topics explored in Vrancken’s collaborative book, it’s really about taking the time to look inward and create space for healing.
And Vrancken takes the time every week. She regularly writes about women in business and speaks about empowering female entrepreneurs in “The Writing of the Book,” an online community platform for women. Abbreviated to WoTB, it’s quickly become one of the best Facebook groups for female entrepreneurs. If Vrancken had been in a place of passively hiding and allowing her fears to control her, the unforgettable synchronistic moments, like meeting her co-authors, could’ve drifted right on by, unnoticed.
She realizes now that in her own journey of self-discovery, every challenge she faced was a stepping stone in her development. Armed with the gift of awareness, each snag provided the opportunity to learn the tools that she uses and teaches at business masterminds and women’s leadership retreats to this day.
”When you lean into fear and pass through it you will come out stronger, wiser, and better,” Vrancken says. For women ready to dive into the ‘BE…’ Movement and begin embodying the fearless Divine Feminine goddess within, you can order the book on Amazon now and explore Vrancken’s dynamic collection of resources for women’s empowerment through entrepreneurship.
To learn more about Lisa Vrancken and her work, visit her website, join her on Facebook, and pre-order her upcoming book ‘BE…From Passion and Purpose to Product and Prosperity’ released June 2022.