The dawn of the internet brought splendor with digital media and technology convergence. Kyle Blockbuster saw an opportunity to grow and connect with the rest of the world. He decided to venture into entrepreneurship as a full-time online content creator based in Lafayette, Louisiana. His pages, filled with in-depth skits, comedic characters, and overall relatable content, have guided the way for his entertainment career. Now, three years down the line, he has amassed over 2 million followers throughout the social media platforms.
Looking back at Kyle’s journey, it is no surprise that he has ambitions. He endeavors to take on serious and comedic acting roles, which will involve a full-time acting job. As Kyle juggles between his work and growing his social media fan base, he seeking to employ an agent who can help him secure continuous roles to play.
It is said that there can never be too much success, and as such, Kyle plans to create a multimedia company that will allow him to act, direct, and produce different media styles. One of the goals that he has set is creating and hosting his TV show and creating a podcast show and other forms of media, including music, videos, and interviews. Kyle also wants to join the modeling world as he continuously expands his social media coverage as part of his career development plan.
With new opportunities and a seemingly bright future ahead, We’re here to say that Blockbuster IS BACK, and he’s looking to make it on the big screen.
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Published by Alex Mamutin
Branded Book
NFT Book