Kim Kardashian’s SKIMS brand made its television debut during the Oscars with a futuristic video campaign titled “SKIMS Lab,” directed by Fran Lebon. Set in outer space, the advertisement features Kardashian as the “Chief Engineer” in a high-tech laboratory where she oversees quality control for SKIMS’ renowned shapewear, T-shirts, and bras. Alongside her are numerous Kardashian “klones” who assist in testing the fabrics’ stretch, comfort, and smoothness.
In a statement, Kardashian expressed her excitement about the brand’s first made-for-TV campaign, aiming to immerse viewers in the SKIMS universe while showcasing their dedication to product development in a clever and extravagant manner. She praised Lebon’s unique creativity and storytelling talent, emphasizing her pride in the collaborative effort.
Jens Grede, SKIMS co-founder and CEO, highlighted the decision to collaborate with Wieden+Kennedy due to their esteemed reputation and track record of producing visually impactful campaigns that resonate with culture. Wieden+Kennedy has previously created iconic commercials, including Nike’s groundbreaking “Just Do It” campaign.