Some people want to be famous, some people want to stay behind the scenes and some people want to inspire others to be the best version of themselves by starting with one simple thing, their wardobre.
Helmut Paul, a micro-influencer with plans to keep inspiring people with his bold fashion statements, simple tips and positivity messages, does that on his Instagram account (@helmuttpaul) dedicated to menswear, lifestyle and fashion.
A Colombian born with German roots, Helmut is not only an influencer but a Marketing entrepreneur in the media industry. He has worked for some media giants as well as partnering with them through his business. He says his goal is to “grow not only as professional but as an individual.”. The road to influencing
has not been an easy one for him, just about a year ago he decided to fully embark on it and has reached quick success collaborating with some brands. Helmut quotes “My goal is to inspire and work with giants such as Nike, Adidas, Tom Ford, Ralph Lauren amongst others, I am working towardsreaching that goal and I want my followers, friends and family to accompany me through this road.”
Playing organized sports since an early age, with the hopes of becoming a professional soccer player, things didn’t go as planned for Helmut, he suffered a significant back injury that would shift his passion to music, marketing, media and fashion.
Helmut continues to pursue his dreams in a country he calls his own as he is also an American citizen. “The road as an immigrant isn’t easy but so gratifying when you accomplish your goals”. He says he is thankful and proud to be where is at and hopes to continue making his family and friends proud.
To learn more follow him on Instagram @helmuttpaul.