Every now and then, the Universe holds up a mirror to show us what is and isn’t in alignment. You’ll find that now is such a time in your life, Pisces. The secret sauce to surviving the chaos: learning to accept everything and reject nothing. Do yourself a favour, Gemini: break up with the idea of perfection, give yourself the permission to make a few mistakes and applaud every time you trip and fall along the way. Oh, and one more thing! Let go of the need to worry about your ‘reputation’. You weren’t sent here to please other people and live up to their expectations. You were sent here to realise your highest potential and become the wildest, most unbridled version of yourself. There’s something brewing here, Virgo, and you’ve known it for a while. Today, the cards are urging you to move into a space of openness. To allow yourself to explore the length and breadth of this connection. There is magic everywhere you look, beautiful!
Aries Horoscope Today: August 09, 2022

How’s sliding things under the carpet working for you, Aries? Tuesday is bringing with itself the reminder that it’s time to shake things up. To take matters in your hands. To ask yourself what it is that you truly desire from this situation and the others involved. In order to get what you want, you will have to be assertive. You will have to befriend your truth at the risk of letting other people down. Trust that you are prepared for this change and the Universe is supporting you to be the most unapologetic version of yourself.
Cosmic tip: Speak your truth unapologetically.
Taurus Horoscope Today: August 09, 2022

But, it wasn’t meant to be, Taurus! This is something you knew from the start. So, let yourself feel all that there is to feel as you release the fury to the Universe. There is something better in store for you. Keep this in mind as you move forward and onwards. Oh, and one more thing! Remember to take the given person or situation off the pedestal. Chances are, they were never worthy of the love you showered upon them with a generous heart.
Cosmic tip: You are being guided to a better place, beautiful.
Gemini Horoscope Today: August 09, 2022

Do yourself a favour, Gemini: break up with the idea of perfection, give yourself the permission to make a few mistakes and applaud every time you trip and fall along the way. Oh, and one more thing! Let go of the need to worry about your ‘reputation’. You weren’t sent here to please other people and live up to their expectations. You were sent here to realise your highest potential and become the wildest, most unbridled version of yourself. PS: This chapter of your life is about exploring what it means to be free on every level!
Cosmic tip: It’s time to be the wildest, most unbridled version of yourself.
Cancer Horoscope Today: August 09, 2022

Generosity is a gift, Cancer. But, not everybody deserves your time and energy. Today, the cards are guiding you to practise discretion; to be able to tell the difference between fair weather friends and the ones who show up for you consistently. Reaffirming your boundaries will require you to let certain people down, and that’s okay. Remembering your worth is an integral part of your evolution process.
Cosmic tip: You’re being guided to practise discretion.
Leo Horoscope Today: August 09, 2022

What if you are the only one standing in your way, Leo? What if you are the one who has been undermining your potential. Today, the cards are urging you to break up with the demon of complacency. To stop dimming your light in order to make those around you feel comfortable. What you want to do instead is remember who you are and what you came here for life. It’s time to realise your highest potential!
Cosmic tip: Break up with the demon of complacency.
Virgo Horoscope Today: August 09, 2022

There’s something brewing here, Virgo, and you’ve known it for a while. Today, the cards are urging you to move into a space of openness. To allow yourself to explore the length and breadth of this connection. There is magic everywhere you look, beautiful! But, it’s not just the portal of romance that is being opened for you. You are being aligned with members of your soul tribe too. Trust the connections you have called into your life and let yourself be uplifted by them.
Cosmic tip: Love and romance are on the cards for you.
Libra Horoscope Today: August 09, 2022

You’ve set your intentions. You’ve planted the seeds with loving awareness. You’ve put in the work required to nurture and sustain the given project. It’s now time to step back and allow. So, step back and allow the blessings to be poured into your chalice in mysterious ways. The Universe is a kind and loving parent that has your best intentions at heart, Libra. What’s more, the portal of higher learning and education is also being opened for you. Take a step in the direction of that which ignites your inner fire even if it scares the living daylights out of you.
Cosmic tip: The Universe is a kind and loving parent that has your best intentions at heart
Scorpio Horoscope Today: August 09, 2022

We’re so focused on the big breakthroughs that we sometimes fail to notice the small things. The everyday miracles. The blessings that are poured into our cup by the mysterious forces. The connections that add to the joy, beauty and grace to our existence. So, stop and smell the roses, will you? Engage in a solid act of kindness. Tell the people you love just how much you value their presence. Being grateful for all that you have and all that is yet to come will transform the quality of your life, beautiful.
Cosmic tip: Notice the blessings that are being poured into your cup!
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: August 09, 2022

They show up for you when it’s convenient to. They disappear at the first sign of discord only to reappear when they need something from you. Pay attention to how the lack of accountability is playing out in your interpersonal relationships and find the courage to ask for what you need. Speaking your truth will feel uncomfortable in the beginning, and that’s okay. Remembering your own worth is the secret to breaking out of the toxic cycles that you have been stuck in.
Cosmic tip: There is a need for accountability.
Capricorn Horoscope Today: August 09, 2022

We get it, Capricorn! Sharing space can be all kinds of tricky. The good thing is, the week ahead is bringing with itself the opportunity to talk about the stuff that you’ve been sliding under the carpet and revise the rules of cohabitation. Move into the conversation with openness and trust that something *good* will come out of it. Saturnians who’ve been seeing each other for a while, could be thinking about revising the rules of engagement. Be open to the idea of moving in together for it will help you understand each other on a deeper level.
Cosmic tip: Talk about the things that matter.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: August 09, 2022

You could do everything on your own, but where’s the fun in that, Aquarius? The mysterious forces are urging you to slow down and become cognisant of the help that’s available to you in this moment. It’s time to make space for wakeful collaborations. It’s time to sync forces with fellow warriors who, like you, want to bring more magic into the collective. There’s much to learn from each other, beautiful. Syncing your forces promises to enhance the quality of your creations.
Cosmic tip: It’s time to make space for wakeful collaborations.
Pisces Horoscope Today: August 09, 2022

Every now and then, the Universe holds up a mirror to show us what is and isn’t in alignment. You’ll find that now is such a time in your life. The secret sauce to surviving the chaos: learning to accept everything and reject nothing. The more willing you are to make love to the winds of change, the easier it will be for you to find peace and balance. So, bring the gift of awareness to the table. Welcome this as an opportunity to reprogram your mind and hit the reset button.