United all the Bears into the Bears Verse
“Rare Bears – The Rare 7.777 Bears” is the product of LEON from New Zealand, an artist also known as “Enox”. Rare bears were a mix of urban contemporary and pop art inspired by various mediums, such as graffiti art, pop culture, 80’s cartoons, and Japanese kawaii characters. This Rare Bears vision wants to represent All the Bears (All the bears NFT) in the Metaverse, and we will assemble them all into the Bears Verse (Phase 2).
What is Bears Verse?
We will simplify the word into “Disney world of Bears” (All things related to bears will be here). Like Disney World, all are kid-friendly. Imagine Metaverse with a “kids-friendly neighborhood” where all the Kids and all the family members can have fun together in Metaverse or call the Bears Verse. You can play games here (of course is Bears related game) for example, Tekken game, but all the fighter is Rare bears NFT, Or maybe “another bears nft”? Sound excited, isn’t it ?…. Or F1 race game but all the driver is a Rare bears NFT character, or maybe “another bears NFT too” who knows what bear that will collab with us, right ?? and a lot of Play to earn bears game. We will implant some education purpose into our bears’ verse, where your kid can have some digital learning experience with our tutor and meet another bears kids :). And Don’t worry, teenager and adult-like us can have some fun too with the games, our games were designed for all. Imagine you can share all your moments here as a bear.

What is the benefit?
This is a “Play to earn Concept” that is designed as “Kids Friendly material.” That means you and your kid can play this without any violent material and still can earn some economic benefit while playing. And not just only play, we will Make some digital Kindergarten for kids to have some education experience with our tutor and other kids. Play and learning at the same time? Why not?
And Why Bears?
Metaverse can be so violent and non-friendly content/environment for Kids if they enter the Metaverse. Imagine your kids enter the Metaverse, and the first thing they saw was a ghost-scary 3d NFT character walking around the city. That’s will be a scary experience for them and traumatic, or maybe they saw unappropriated content on Metaverse like nudity nft and something like that. It will be so frustrating to think your underage kids will live with that in the Metaverse. So we decided to aimed the niched sector but have a huge economic market, and that was “Kids friendly metaverse”. Imagine “Disney land” where all the kids can play without harming the content/environment. That is why we choose the bear character, where the kids felt friendly with it, and the adult felt it’s not a childish character. We combined that feeling into “Rare Bears.”
What holder benefit?
All the income that we generated from our bears’ verse, like ticket selling, Our play to earn a profit, Learning income, and so on. We will give it back to our holders. We will still be on the business studied and research, so we can give an exact % that we will provide to our holder. But we will when we already have a sustainable business calculation in the near future.
Follow closely:
Website: https://rarebearsnft.com/
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/cAYxsphAsJ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BearsRare
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rarebears.nft/
Published by Alex Mamutin
Branded Book www.brandedbook.com
NFT Book https://www.instagram.com/nft_book/