@HappyRabbiNFT Project is 85 percent complete!
The Project is catching a buzz and already has most of their 18000 1/1 Happy Rabbis listed on Opensea. The Instagram page @happyrabbinft continues to grow and has surpassed 5,000 followers in its first couple of weeks! The team plans to have daily giveaways at the end of November throughout all the social media platforms, including Reddit & Discord. The giveaways are already getting traction on Reddit, and their roadmap continues to evolve in the Space of NFTs. Happy Rabbi NFT collages and 1/1 of pieces will be given away on Fridays, the weekends, and during the festive days of Hanukkah. The Project is being backed by the most influential people on social media ranging from Instagram, Youtube, and other dominant communities.
They are working daily on celebrity and marketing partnerships which they plan to announce in upcoming weeks. The Rabbi collection, which is 1800 pieces all 1/1, will be complete a week, and they plan to release a roadmap that will blow investors and collectors in the NFT Space away.

Happy Rabbi NFT Collection combines many worlds, resources, and passions between the creator and this Project’s goals
A passion collection Alex Mamutin created, who is the owner of www.brandedbook.com. Mamutin, as most call him, has been an investor of many successful projects like the Mutant Ape Yacht Club and the Bored Ape Club plans to use the hype behind some of his successful investments and attach it to the success of the Happy Rabbi Collection.
His company Branded Book has taken a massive step into the NFT marketing space and has developed strategic partnerships over the last year with doing marketing & PR for many famous collections. Art was always a passion of Alex Mamutin and some of the companies members, and now they have found a way to connect their power and work with the love of the new evolving NFT world. Crypto, specifically NFT has taken the world by storm, and it looks like these new categories are here to stay.
The Admin and marketing team is constantly looking for Moderators, content creators, and owners of verified pages, so if you are interested, be sure to reach out. All over social media. The NFT world has shown interest and will be standing behind the collection weeks before the official launch.

“A collection all about happiness, positivity, joy, love, knowledge, and spread of charity alongside financial gain for a long time to come. The Collection is based on multiples of 18, also known as “chai” and stands beautifully for LIFE!”
Branded Book, alongside all of their affiliate networking contacts and a strong footprint in the NFT space, has prepared a strong push for this Collection. They have a close connection with industry-leading bloggers and community managers in discord groups and Reddit. There will be giveaways, incentives, tax write-offs, good causes, events, and many other things to succeed this Project. The art is genuinely respectable. Many sleepless nights and thoughts are going into curating something fun, beautiful and I want to satisfy people when owning a Happy Rabbi NFT.
This Project is surrounded by creative minds, people who do good for others, their families, and the communities! Happy Rabbi and Happy Life to all! More announcements about this Collection and others branching from here, artists, and collections they are collaborating with.
@brandedbookpr @branded.book
Alex Mamutin @mamutya2.0
Invest and collect with the best! Happy Rabbi @nftsavage @nft_book @happyRabbiNFT