Your standard agent-client relationship usually entails boring business calls while lacking authenticity and a genuine off the field relationship. Such “norms” are broken at Sports and Entertainment agency “Loyalty Above All”. CEO Zac Hiller, Director of Client Relations Matt Leist, and Director of Marketing Eric Dounn, all understand that their clients make anything they touch turn to gold; therefore, they have emphasized the importance of allowing their clients to solely focus on their craft, sport or entertainment while maintaining a genuine relationship and taking care of every little need. This allows the client to dictate their path and pursue their career to the greatest of their desire.
“It takes an immense focus to make it to the highest level where our clients find themselves” Matt Leist
By representing a plethora of industries, from the famous voice, Bob Menery, to the young rap sensation Ray Emmanuel, all the way to athletes such as Hall of Fame cornerback Darrelle Revis, Vikings Running back Dalvin Cook, and Baltimore Ravens running back JK Dobbins, LAA contains an immaculate level of growth potential. Hiller and his team will continue to manage every little need of their clients from million dollar contracts to Uber calls, allowing their clients to focus on their passion, and maximize their potential.
“At the end of the day we’re a team and we just want every member to succeed to their greatest potential” Eric Dounn
In such a competitive inauthentic industry, Loyalty Above All has set a precedent and taken an alternative route in clientele relations by putting their clients before them. By allowing their clients to maintain control, clients are freed to experiment in whatever they may desire; for example, Dalvin Cook has his clothing company, and other clients are learning the value of their signature ability to instantly increase the value of any item. By allowing and taking advantage of these opportunities LoyaltyAboveAll aims to support their clients throughout life, and teach them ways to still be successful even when their career comes to an end, rather than allowing them to experience hardships when the jersey is hung.

Ultimately LAA poises the potential to become a great name in the representation industry due to its strong desire for everyone to succeed, authentic client-agent relationships, and ability to reach many different markets.
Instagram :@loyaltyaboveall
website: Loyalty Above All