TorontoRoom is one of the most visited accounts among Torontonians. From breaking news, viral videos, controversies and funny parodies. Since its inception last summer, Torontoroom has grown into a phenomenon from a large youth base to the city and even across the country. Founded on April 8, 2020 by “SJ”. While developing the page, SJ had the idea in mind that this page can help local artists exposure they needed. At the time there weren’t many pages ready to give artists that opportunity.
The page amassed an enormous following of over 200 thousand follower in the short time that they’ve become popular.
Interview with Torontoroom
- Tell me about yourself?
I go by JS and I have grown
up and still live in Toronto, I have always been addicted to money and everyday I get up to find new ways to make some. I started making news accounts at 13 but now I take it much more seriously and put in big money to invest in my pages.
- Why did you decide to start
a news outlet page ?
I decided to start a news
outlet page because I felt that there was not anyone’s helping out artists in Canada. There were big pages like 6ixbuzz but aside from that there were not any that would show love to upcoming artists/brands in Canada. Toronto also has a music scene like no
other and it is growing fast, so I knew there had to be someone to post it all.
- What kind of content do
you cover ?
TorontoRoom covers your latest
news, controversy and funny skits and memes to bring some joy to your day. TorontoRoom also sends out daily Covid-19 updates since the youth do not watch the news so we use our platform to inform them. We also post about Canadian artists and their recent music
drops so we can use our platform to increase their exposure.
- Where are you based ?
Canada/ Toronto - How did you get your page
to where it’s at ?
A lot of long hours and a
great marketing strategy, we were able to organically grow us into a big platform. We also expanded to other platforms like Youtube,Spotify,Twitter so our fans can find us anywhere. We also worked with multiple other Canadian pages to all grow as a team.I also have invested a lot of time into finding the right content so people would recognize us as something different.
- How long has your page
been around for ?
TorontoRoom is one of the
fastest growing Canadian pages. We started April 8th 2020 and have over 200k followers a year later.
- What makes your page different
from competitors ?
TorontoRoom was not made to
make money it was created to provide a platform where artists can share their work on. Other pages promote the violence in the city however I try to stay away from those in hopes people will not see it as a way to gain attention or fame.
- How is your page helping
up and coming artists?
We offer posts on our page
that give them exposure, we also offer posting on our Youtube Premier page “TorontoRoom Premiers”. Lastly we offer Spotify playlisting on our playlist with over 6 thousand likes, “TorontoRoom Premiers”.
- Does this outlet page generate
you income ?
Our main goal for me was not
about the money however when big brands reach out or artists want their stuff to be consistently posted I do charge them. I have made a decent amount with my page however it is not enough as of now to quit my part time job.
- How do you plan on expanding
this page?
I plan to continue to grow my following and grow on to different platforms such as Youtube,Twitter,Facebook,Spotify. We also are in the making of our website which will be a good way to expand.
- What are some of your
goals you want to accomplish?
One million followers would
be a huge accomplishment and I hope to reach that within the next 1-2 years. I also would want to get verified and wish Instagram could see the hard work we are doing on their platform. Lastly I would like Drake to follow us back.
- How would you react if
Warner Brothers approached you with a $10 million sponsorship offer?
I would probably take it since
they are a great and smart group to work with and I need a strong team if I would like to do this full time. Warner Brothers also is a huge reputable company therefore I would want to work with them.
- Aside from Toronto, where
is your fan base located ?
We are almost all Canadian but aside from that we do have a bunch of followers in new york and worldwide. We built a strong Toronto audience if you were to go on the streets of Toronto and ask people about TorontoRoom they would know.
- Who have you collaborated
We have got attention from
Chromazz, Lil Berete, Killy, Whyg, Duvy, Bundog, Sickppl, Roney, Ar Paisley, Skinny Bets and many more. We also have interviewed multiple famous Tiktokers such as Carly Sarah, YYZ Sasha, Lessica, Zertheus, Frostiyy, Michelle Armijo and there is many more to
- If you had to guess where
your page ranks in terms of popularity in Canada, what would you say it is?
I would say we are for sure
in the top 7-10 for sure. - How do you find your content
All of our content is user
based content, the clips we post are usually sent in or taken from outside credible sources that we credit.
- Has your following grown
as a result of covid 19?
Yes our following has since
people are at home more it has because more people are on their phones and share our content.